Friday, July 16, 2010

Changing the oil

Is there one thing you wish one of your parents would have passed down something to you. Whether it was a skill or a language or a heirloom? When I was like 11 my dad used to have me change the oil on his Plymouth and this continued until I was like 14. Only thing that changed was the car (Buick). But my dad knew a great deal about cars and while I showed no interest in knowing anymore about them other than oil filters and changing the oil I sometimes wish he passed down more of that knowledge to me. And by knowledge I mean intimate knowledge like engine re-builds, carburetors, radiators, steering columns, etc. Not basic stuff like changing a flat or installing new wipers. That I know.

His father was a master mechanic (and butcher). He could diagnose a problem with a car just by me describing a sound. Obviously with the way cars are built now some of those skills seem obsolete. Like VCR repairmen. But it's still a cool little back pocket card to pull out every once in awhile. At the very least I can change my own oil. Not like I would, shit only cost $20 but still.

1 comment:

Los said...

I hear ya ... my dad can fix just about anything. Me? I can barely fix breakfast.