Friday, July 23, 2010

State of Cell Phones

Still haven't gotten a phone yet. The only thing I miss is not wasting time. Really that's what phones are for. Wasting time. If you think of it, the phone makers all advertise this way. No one says "Buy my phone because being in touch is important". They say, "Over 225,000 apps".

Not only is Facebook all the rage but Facebook is on every mobile phone coming out. It's like the phone is pretty much the internet on the go. And the companies that service, make, and build these phones ARE MAKING A FORTUNE. Remember the Motorola STAR 5000? Or the Nokia 5700? Yeah, well those are like Datsun cars right about now. If I'm a investor I buy a basket of phone company stocks right now. From the builders to the service providers. This is just the beginning.

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