Friday, September 24, 2010

What I drink and Why

What I drink. Depends on the setting. I drink pretty much anything. Here's what I prefer.

Beer in any setting. Relaxing, partying, driving, eating, snacking, socialing, dancing, etc. Beer is good anytime and anytime I will drink it.

Scotch - Must be high quality, aged at least 12 years preferably 15. Blends work as well. Single Malt however is my favorite. I have a deep love for Glenlivet. It makes my balls tingle.

Whiskey - Tennessee sipping whiskey as they say. Jack Daniels is my favorite. If I'm out a club or bar with dancing and loud music I usually end up drinking Jack and Cokes. Sometimes I order it like this : "One Jack and Coke please, hold the Coke." Jack and Ginger is a close second.

Vodka - I just started getting involved with Vodka and I have to say, I'm impressed. Good Vodka barely registers a taste which makes it easy to shoot. Especially when cold. Also, not much of a hangover the next day. This is key. Good ol' fashioned Vodka and Cran if I'm feeling feminine. Rare but it's happened once or twice before.

Rum - Good rum, is extremely underated. It's delicious. Taste of caramel. During my travels to Jamaica I was on a steady diet of rum. I never felt better. My personal favorite is from Jamaica, Appleton Estates. And I'm talking dark rum.

Tequilla - Unless in a Margarita, which is acceptable at good Mexican restaurants (on the rocks) I like tequilla from the freezer to shoot. I have a love hate relationship with it. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. Good tequilla is nice though.

Wine - With dinner. Or chillin on a couch surronded by chocolates and flowers. Wine is lovely. When I drink wine I feel like my net worth grows.

Cordials - Grand Marnier. Nice subtle orange liquer. I like Kahula and milk as an after dinner drink while on vacation. Frangelica or Amaretto with coffee or a Sambuca with espresso. I don't normally do after dinner drinks like these but weddings or dinner parties they are a must.



Los said...

I love my beer - especially hoppy ones (lately).

I've been on a Cabernet Sauvignon kick lately for some reason.

El Padrino said...

cab is nice, if you like dry do Chianti

Heff said...

Beer in any setting : Driving, LOL !!!!