Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Search The Internet So You Don't Have To

Dems can't blame Bush for this one. They had the leverage two weeks ago to ensure that AIG would be respnsible with any federal money.
(Yahoo Finance)

Obama got a bonus from AIG too.

Name your own price.....when you hit up this Diner.

Paul Rudd piece in NYT.
(NY Times)

Mike Strahan in a new sitcom. No really.

Man that Natasha Richardson actress is really dead. That's pretty fucking sad.
(NY Daily News)

Seattle Post Intelligencer goes to online content only, here is a timeline.
(Seattle PI)

First arrest in the Madoff scandal is: The Accountant!
(Huff Po)

Obama's bracket.

1 comment:

Los said...

I'm cool with politicans being fans of sports teams.

Our government probably screwed up with not putting in legislation preventing AIG from giving out bonuses with the money ... but AIG is the real evil in this whole thing.