Friday, March 12, 2010

Operation sculpted abs

I'm gonna get my six-pack back. It's the 2010 Six-Pack challenge. El Pad style. My plan is to be rocking, rock hard abs again. Preferably by the summer. Here's how.

Phase One

Eating better. I've always been a pretty good eater. See my appetite has always been the same. Big. I could throw down some food. My metabolism was super fast though. Over the past couple of years that puppy has slowed a bit. Causing my ginourmous food portions to hang on to my body. So Phase One begins with eating less. If I eat less my metabolism will probably work quicker or at the least have a lighter load to churn through.

Drinking less too. It was farily common for me to throw down some dinner, a snack or two and 4 or 5 beers on a Tuesday night. Can't do that if I want a six pack.

Phase Two

Excercise but old school. Push ups, situps, core ab excercises I can do at home. I'm not going to the gym. Got suckered into that 3 or 4 times and always ended up just donating money. See I don't want to lift weights. I just want definition. Think ninja. Not bodybuilder.

Phase Three

Adopt the lifestyle in Phase One and Two. Moderation.


Christina said...

This is exactly what i've been doing and i've lost a total of 40 pounds since I gave birth to this little monster. I am giving myself till July so that I can rock my bikini again and be a total milf!

You can do it!!

Los said...

Man, that sounds like too much work ...

Keef said...

Try the Couture workout

El Padrino said...

the px90?

El Padrino said...

it is alot of work

which is why it will stop most likely soon

Keef said...

P90X is different. But you can do this

Keef said...

oops, wrong address. here