Monday, October 23, 2006

Failure Is In The Air

I'm actually not as mad as I thought I would be. Despite feeling like my dog died a terrible death I was still pretty focused and ready to take that test on Friday.

And then the test started.

Ever get the feeling like your drowning? Or like the walls are closing in?
That's not how I felt, I was just asking.

The first 4 questions I took like 19 seconds to answer.
I was like man, I'm doing good! Then the next 18 or so I felt like Spinks against Tyson. Just wobbly.

Here's why I'm not that pissed about failing this ridiculously long and boring test.
I went to a two week review class that supposedly was supposed to focus on what was on the actual tests. I missed one class due to a Game 1 ticket that fell unto my lap (thank god).
But that day the class was geared towards margin and since that's what I do, I didn't need to attend anyway. But I was there and attentive for the other classes.

50 questions on options. Check
50 questions on muni bonds. Check
25 questions on "other" bonds. Check.
15 questions on opening and closing accounts. Check
10 questions on Margin. Check.

So that leaves 100 questions. No one, including the instructor, told me that out of that remaining 100 (big part) that there could be 81 questions on "brokerage products".
No one. As Spike Lee would say, "We got bamboozled".

81 questions is alot. Now if your wondering what brokerage products are let me shed some shine. "Brokerage Products" include everything from Commodities, Mutual Funds, Annutities,
Preferred Stock, Corporate Bonds, Units, REIT's, Ginnie Mae's, Warrants, Rights and Subscriptions. Now, I'm no broker and I don't want to be, so my knowledge in these areas are weak. But If I was told that they were going to be on the test I would have learned about them.

Hence, a 62. You need a 70 to pass. Valiant effort by the El Pad I Know.
I'll probably take it again at some point. It's no big deal, I don't need it to work, I was just hoping to bag it for future use.

Also in my defense, the Mets absolutely crushed me the night before by losing Game 7.
It was definetely the worse loss I know as a Mets fan. True 88' against the Dodgers was bad but I was only 8 years old and although I remember crying like a Molly, I was over it by the time I sat down for some Eggo's the next morning.


The Rev said...

"Ever get the feeling like your drowning? Or like the walls are closing in?"

Yep, I'd say I had that feeling about a week ago.

You got the right attitude though. You'll take it again in the future, and next time you will be more prepared.

Fairmaiden327 said...

Im sorry EP but the way you worded it was mint. You'll just do better next time. Chin up. Oh and you're new pic is off the hook. HA HA. I loves me some Escobar.

Fairmaiden327 said...

your dammit. your.

El Padrino said...

rev- oh yeah, prepared like a T-giving dinner

fm- pablo is back

iamunstoppable said...

root for the tigers, it will make u feel better.

chin up buck, one day soon youll be working at JT Marlin.

Los said...

ElP - Since everybody else stole my motivational lines, I'll just say this - there is NOTHING that a few shots of tequila can't cure ... at least in the short run.

El Padrino said...

iam- maybe, still hard to watch those 83 win CARDINALS!

Los- not a tequilla guy but I feel ya like an earthquake brother

Anonymous said...

Keep takin' the test until u get it right!!

Sincerely, JFK jr.

Fairmaiden327 said...