Thursday, October 26, 2006

Halloween Costumes

With Halloween around the corner, I figured why not talk of El Padrino's favorite Halloween costumes. Both past and present. I fondly remember every halloween costume I had when I was a kid. I'm not really a make-up kind of guy so most of them were "outfits".
But here they are and I'll throw in some ones that we all can use today. Enjoy!

Past (for the kids)

Superman- every kid was Superman at one point or another

King- I played the part in a school play so I kept the costume and used it that Halloween.
I still remember some of my lines (I would have been a tremendous actor)
"Jester! Fetch me some water!"

He-Man- I loved me some He-Man (that sounds very gay). My friend went as Skeletor that year and we had sword fights all night while ringing doorbells.

Hulk Hogan- My favorite wrestler at the time.

A Football Player- This was always simple and available. Boring, I know. The same goes for the baseball player costume. I would just put on the Little League jersey and that would be it.
Transformers- Voltron!

Jason- As I got older I got into more "Egg-throwing" friendly costumes. Black hoodie, black sweats, black kicks and a mask. Most of the time, a Jason mask.

Mummy- Easy and cheap.

Present (for parties)

Alot of ideas,

The Mel Gibson: Flannel shirt, act drunk and berate the Jews all night. And don't forget to hit on women.

The Verizon Guy: Grey jacket, black framed glasses. Follow people around all night and explain to them you are thier network. Works better with two or three other people dresses as phone company workers.

The Britney Spears: Ladies only. Get dolled up in the best trailer park trash outfit and walk around all night with a baby doll. Make sure to drop it at least 20-30 times.

Madonna- Again, ladies only. Walk around dressed like a slut, make sure to have that retarded red bracelet and make sure to be walking around with a black baby doll.

Harry Pothead- Walk around dressed like Harry Potter, act stoned and smoke weed if permissable.

Brokeback- Dress up like a cowboy and hit on every guy in the party. I do not recommend this. Doesn't look good for your image.

Flava Flav!!!!- any ridiculous, colorful suit will do. Make sure you get the fake clock to rock around the neck, also make sure to talk like he does and punctuate everything you say throughout the evening with "FLAVA FLAV!"

Big Foot' s Dick- I think Spencer's is selling a giant penis costume. Buy this then glue some fake or real hair to it and you'll be Big Foot's Dick. Oh, I almost forgot. Rub the costume with cheez balls or indian food. This will give it the proper odor to seem like Big Foot's Dick.

Sen. Foley- Walk around in a suit minus the pants and peruse a teen boy magazine all night.

Borat- Grab one of those green bathing suit numbers BORAT'S SUIT . And fuck with people all night.

Barry Bonds or any other steroid related athelete- simple, put on his jersey and walk around with needles in your ass.

T.O- fake kill yourself every 10 mins or so. And do situps on the lawn before and after you leave. In full football gear....

Peter King- Put on a curly wig, walk around asking football questions, tout Lamont Jordan for the hall of fame, keep talking about Rutgers and Mary Beth and....walk around with cups of Starbucks at all times.

Bin Laden- Wear a white sheet with a toy AK-47 and hide in the corner the whole night. Ask people to find you.

Emeril Lagasse- Black curly wig, white chef's suit and sprinkle shit on the food all night while screaming "BAM, BAM". Also try to get the New Orleans accent down pact, down the word "Icebox".


iamunstoppable said...

borats bathing suit: i think i just pissed myself a little bit.

and by little bit i mean a shower.

ToddPacker said...

If you're wearing the Borat suit stay the hell away from the brokeback guy.

EP, I remember a classic "egg-throwin-years" costume was a "bum". Just throw on some old clothes and you're ready for a night of chucking eggs.

El Padrino said...

yeah TP, we were so demented that we froze them first
really ,really dumb...i could be wearing an eye patch right now.

iam- that shit is fucking hysterical, cant wait for that movie

iamunstoppable said...

bum costume.. def. the classic 'mischief' costume.

El Padrino said...

bum or thief costume's

perfect for bombing

Steph said...

Theres some good ideas there.
I normally go as a prostitute cos i already have the skanky clothes and hooker heels. W00t!

Eric said...

I may have just made a last minute switch to the sen. foley costume, thats pretty hilarious.

Fairmaiden327 said...

I loved this post. You know I especially loved Harry Pothead.

El Padrino said...

of ocurse Crass...gotta go jumpsuit

fm- i know you did

steph- do your thing girl

The Rev said...

I've never done an adult costume.

I usually DJ a party around Halloween. It's tough working in costume.

Los said...


I'm dressing as John Madden tonight.

Anonymous said...

I should digg your post therefore other people can look at it, very useful, I had a tough time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Norman

Anonymous said...

Valuable info. Lucky me I found your site by accident, I bookmarked it.