Friday, July 13, 2007

34 to 36

I'm not so sure how to go about this. But I have a dilemma.

See, this is kind of the first time this has happened to me. And I want to nip it in the bud now before it's too late.

What am I talking about you ask?

Well, it has come to my attention that I, El Padrino, have put on a few pounds.
Coming from a kid who used to rock a strong six pack it's alarming.

So I bought a bike.

But since my fucking shithole job sucks the blood from my brain I find it hard to rise up at 5:30 am and ride that damn thing. But when I do it's all positive. My routine is to ride the bike about a mile or so to a specific park and treat that park like a gym. Do some chin ups, push ups, stretch out the muslces and other various core excercies. About 45 minutes. Productive but again, waking up is the hardest part.

Part two of my crisis is my diet. I should probably stop eating 4 slices of pizza. I may want to tone down the desserts and I may want to stop eating lunch portions the size of Gaum. Just a thought.

Now I know food. And I know what's good for you and whatnot but with all the fads out there I'm a bit lost. There is no way I am giving up all carbs. So that's out. And one more thing. This diet has to include the daily consumption of beer (and wine). Because if you think for one second that I will be switching to some pussy lite beer or that I will stop drinking beer totally just for some diet your are on crack cocaine.

So if there is no diet out there that can meet my terms I will be forced to use my "knowledge of a little about everything" and create my own. Patent it, write 6 million books, become rich and become the poor man's John Basedow.


Anonymous said...

"I can eat anything and never put on a pound" yung tony use to say.

Believe it or not, all those lunches of 5 slices of pizza, 10 garlic knots, 1 meatball hero, and two twenties of chicken mcnuggets will eventually catch up with you. I love it.

El Padrino said...


remember my wendy's meal?
or the mc donalds deabauchery every fri mornin

i disgust myself

but no fear, your boy will be back at his fighters weight soon

Fairmaiden327 said...

its the way you eat you tard.

try banging the missus more it will help.


have a great weekend. hugs.

El Padrino said...

she's nine months pregnant

Spaceman Spiff said...

gotta count calories, find out online (google) how much you burn doing normal shit like sleeping and sitting at work, add that to whatever you burn working out. whatever that total is, gotta eat less than that to lose any weight.

El Padrino said...

so i gotta start readin labels

ok, i can do this

Spaceman Spiff said...

i did it for about 2 months before i went to hawaii last year, dropped 17 lbs. its hard to keep it up and sometimes you cant find the nutrition info if you eat at some hole in the wall place or your favorite pizza place in your case. when you start reading nutrition info, youll be surprised at some shit

Spaceman Spiff said...

i went overboard back then though, my lunch was sometimes 500 cals, so i pretty much would burn all my lunch off at the gym.

Fairmaiden327 said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, and as you can tell, out of it. Need to catch up. YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come to thinkuvvit, El P, "crack-cocaine" might be the answer to losin' a few poundz...

Los said...

I work out about 5 days a week, but since I don't watch what I eat, I'm basically a healthy fat guy.... Not that I'm overly fat, but certainly not where I want to be - I'd love to be in 34-pants again - right now I'm about a 37 or 38.

Steph said...

Why can't you just be the fat, jolly guy? Everybody loves him!!

Fairmaiden327 said...

OMG EP I thought about it this morning. It's called a "sympathetic pregnancy".

Crassius Maximus said...

Put that work in big pimpin' and you'll be ok. I'm @ 224 right now and since I'm not footballin' no more I really ought to be about 205 or so. The shit is hard for Italian Americans because we make the best food and we love to eat it. Hard work will get you where you need to be.

El Padrino said...

thanks fm

damn that hard work crass

now that's an idea stpeh

los that was funny

Mama en Fuego said...

El P - it's called sympathy weight my friend and trust me you'll start losing it soon enough. Stop eating shit, that will help.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I don't eat shit, and I'm fat. I don't think shit has anything to do with it.

Tyler said...

I've been struggling with the weight thing too, EP. I've gotta run the 5k part of a triathlon in four months. I am fucked...

Jugdish said...

As far as counting calories go...try this this site I found. It has all kinds of nutritional information on there, as well as how many calories you might burn in a day.

El Padrino said...

deke your fat by association = i;e see wisconsin

damn T, you are fucked

thanks jugger

mama, that's what i heard