Thursday, July 05, 2007

keep the juice loose

In light of Chesnut's astounding 66 dogs in 12 minutes I was perusing this site IFOCE .

Competitive eating is awesome.

That site produced the following Wikipedia searches.

Shoo-Fly Pie


Mince Pie



Horseshoe sandwich

Fry bread

I'm disgusted but happy.

Carry on.


Crassius Maximus said...

What's kind of wierd is that those types of foods were mentioned in Com X's long post over at the Deuce. Kolaches are a Czech food, and X is a Waco native and a lot of Czechs live in that area. Czechs are to Texas kind of like the Italians are to the northeast, having dark hair, olive skin and quite a few in the area. I guess what I'm trying to say is that all people like to eat...

Crassius Maximus said...

That, and I wish there were more of my goombas down here in Texas.

Steph said...

Finally, a sport that the morbidly obese can participate in.

Los said...

66 hot dogs ... unreal ... and Kobayashi had 63. I remember eating 4 at a Phillies game once and thinking that was an accomplishment ... geez!

El Padrino said...

4 hot dogs, ha
you have been shamed

Superstar said...

Can I get a horseshoe sandwich to go please???

John Wayne