Thursday, June 05, 2008

Every man... every man has to go through hell to reach paradise.

Good thing I don't act on impulse and good thing we have laws and good thing I'm deathly afraid of prison. Because this place would be burned to the ground and the Gollum would get two to the head.

I swear my boss is lost sometimes. I can't wait to sit in a office, collect a six figure salary, take 74 days off throughout the year, and delegate work to minions beneath me. What a life.
Then come out and ask elementary questions. Or look puzzled when I speak of our procedures.

Does anyone have a routine in the morning? I gotta get back to one. It's so heltah skeltah sometimes. I need to throw a little excercise in my day somewhere. It's hard though. Your whole life changes with the kid so you have to adjust to her little life first then yours. Doable though, just takes some thought and execution. And dedication, to which I have none.

A diet would be nice too. I will make my own. I am not a sheep.

Cheesepie is delicious.

Every once in awhile a good ol-fashioned Hershey bar does the trick.

With almonds of course........

Transportation by ferry is the way to go. I am still trying to figure out how I can make this happen. 3 trains, mind blowing crowds, and long walks are really taking a toll on me. Mentally.

When someone goes by initials as names I like to guess what those initials stand for. It's fun. Like I work with this guy E.J. and yes he still calls himself E.J. so I wonder what E.J. means.
I've narrowed it down to Edward James and Elisha Jonathan.

It's a little over year since my Lasik surgery. God bless it.


Los said...

I'm still considering the lasik ... I've been considering it for 5+ years.

I have a routine about working out - I get home around 5:00, I work out, and then I cook dinner ... the wife gets home around 6ish.

The Rev said...


You mean like a comedy routine?

El Padrino said...

nice los

Rev Rickels is here.