Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bye beer

I'm considering giving up beer for lent next wed. Silly I know but keep in mind I won't be giving up liquor. Red wine, scotch, whiskey, scotch whiskey would all be in play. So really I would just be giving up something I like which is within the spirit of the rule. Also maybe I can lose weight. I got like a mini gut forming (5 foot 9, 188). Gotta nip that shit in the bud. Wife making remarks.

I don't paticuarly care for Early srping brews anyway so I won't be missing much. Just the favorites and the standby's. I started my relationship with beer right around 1994. I was 14 and would sneak into the pool hall on Coney Island Ave. A local kid who was 21 took a liking to me because I was good at basketball. So he would sneak me in and let me drink beer. I never lasted more than two. Then I got into 40's and such with the boyz. No sophisticated beer drinking until about 23, 24. Then I started to really enjoy it for taste not for shotgunning. Ya' know. There is your beer pong beer and your snobby beer. I like both. Alot.

See ya in 40 nights Beer.


Los said...

This seems easier said than done.

El Padrino said...

oh i will struggle