Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chicago Tea Party

Rick Santelli video

Back story, Rick is a floor reporter in the business sector for CNBC. Today he went on a little rant on the housing bill Obama is shoving down our throats. Here is the quote of the day:

"The government is promoting bad behavior... do we really want to subsidize the losers' mortgages... This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage? President Obama are you listening?

(Misc trader) : "How about we all stop paying our mortgage! It's a moral hazard"

So in essence. Why are we rescuing people's mortagages and not allowing banks to seize properties they know should own? Because Obama said so?


Los said...

People who are making $20,000 a year, and decided to buy a 800,000 house get on my nerves ... the mortgage companies who agreed to allow this to happen piss me off more.

El Padrino said...

so your saying you don't want to pay your neighbor's mortgage.

got it