Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Heed The Warning

For my non-sports readers: you are going to have to bear with me in the next couple of posts.
I got alot of sports writing to do. August means that football is right around the corner. This means a college football preview, a NFL preview, predictions for both, a fantasy football ranking and during the season every Friday I will have a complete betting column with picks and analysis. Not to mention baseball season is winding down and my Metropolitans are raking.

It's something I love doing and I am pretty good at it. There's not much I don't know about sports. My life pretty much goes around it. I'm still pissed I went on vacation during the last day of the trade deadline for baseball. That was uncharacteristic of me.
This is coming from a guy who got married in October and watched the NLCS & ALCS on a Jamaican cable network almost every night on my honeymoon.

If I were to put in order my life priorities it would look like this:


(Sometimes sports before sex, which is pathetic but true.
For example, if I was propositioned with the opportunity to have great sex for hours or go see the Mets in a playoff game (it'd have to be at lease a Game 6 at Shea).....I'd be on the BQE in no time).

Pretty simple. I'm not a snowflake (complex). I'm a straight-foward type of dude.


Fairmaiden327 said...

Interesting. OK I had tuned you out when you said you were dedicating more time to sportswriting, which by all means, if that's your passion - Go for it! But then you sent me the whammy. Your priorities!!! Dear God, am I missing something with this sports thing?

El Padrino said...

It's in our blood. Women have no idea.

Los said...


iamunstoppable said...

da foosball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think ive sold myself on the Sunday Ticket too. im not gonna get a dvr, cause it'll cost too much.. but i start sweating everytime i realize im gonna miss all these games (and that i didnt do it last year).

Anonymous said...

Let's see, if your list of priorities were stocks, sports would be MSFT around 1989. In 10 years, it's going to be much, much higher. Sex however, is WCOM, around 1998 and your wife is Bernie Ebbers. Good luck.

El Padrino said...

Los: I will
IAM: Do it.
York: Great Analogy

The Rev said...

I'm ready for the sports talk.

I would forego sex for a week if it meant tickets to a big playoff game.

But only a week. On day 8, I'd better be gettin some.