Friday, August 25, 2006

Open Letter to Mr. Ray Nagin

Some News and Notes worth discussing here.....first that bunghole in New Orleans.

Dear Mr. Nagin:

Dude, we want to like you. We really do. You seem like a cool cat and we respect elected officials of other cities. Especially mayors. I understand what happen in New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast was devastating. I understand the government fucked up. I do. I watched all the documentaries (Spike Lee's "When the levee's Broke" was so fucking sad but well done) so I know all the bullshit that went on and how it seemed no one cared about the people of New Orleans. I also understand it's your job to defend the people who elected you as their mayor. But let me tell you something shithead. New Orleans and Ground Zero are two totally different things so stop comparing the two.

First of all the comment was completely insensitive.
"You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed, and it's five years later. So let's be fair"- Ray Nagin, in response to the devastation still plaguing the Ninth Ward in N.O.

What? So it's just a hole in the ground right? Take a guess of how many ashes are interred in that hole in the ground. Ballpark. Let's see, over 3000 perished and without an official number that I can find I know it's somewhere between 400-1000 or more in which a body part or any type of DNA was found. That means the families can't even bury their loved ones. Funerals with empty coffins. People were burying fingers that were found because the body that those fingers belonged to were dust that will eternally be gone.

Politics and bullshit also got involved in the re-building of the Freedom Tower. Pataki and Bloomberg fought each other while Larry Silverstein (owner) delayed things by about 2 years because of his constant insurance battles. So Mayor Nagin, for your information the hole has been fixed now for quite some time. And re-building has also begun.

The devastation of Katrina was monumental. I understand that. I sympathize what you had to go through. I feel sorry for the government and their efforts because that was a pathetic response to a devastating situation. It made us look real bad. BUT.

If you ever say some silly shit like that again. I will slap the shit out of you and your momma.
Because this ain't the first time. You compared 9/11 to Katrina before and your simply off the mark. Katrina was a natural disaster. 9/11 was a terror attack of murderous proportions.
Just concentrate on re-building the wonderful town of New Orleans and make sure you come visit the Freedom Tower and Trade Center Memorial when it's done in a few years.

One crazy mofo from Brooklyn


The Rev said...

I think you're right on this one.

Yes, the government's response to Katrina continues to be terrible. And more needs to be said on that.

But even bringing 9-11 into the discussion is wrong. It's two different things.

Ray Nagin strikes me as not a very stable man.

Christina_the_wench said...

He isn't cut out for his job. He has made MANY questionable statements in his term. Poor New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to like him at all. It is his stated intention to make New Orleans a "chocolate city", and I'm assuming he's not trying to be George Clinton. I will respect his wishes and leave him and his city to themselves.

El Padrino said...

true and


Fairmaiden327 said...

He is a douchebag. That is all.

Steph said...

This type of political bullshite is just shameful.
I can understand his anger, but he shouldn't compare his tragedy to that of 9/11. That's wrong and disrespectful.

Los said...

Another reason to scratch ones head about politics (on both sides) in this country.

Nagin should (a) be ashamed of himself, and (b) probably should find another job - hopefully one in which his voice can't be heard anymore

Mama en Fuego said...

Nagin is an idiot and it pisses me off that he's so ready to point the finger at everyone but himself. He's a pussy, who can't take responsibility for his own actions, or lack there of in this case. He needs to shut his pie hole before someone sticks their fist in it.