Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terror Alert, RED.

Anyone read this terror shit!
Holy hell they were gonna do it again, except on a larger scale!
With innovative explosives!
Unbelievable. What balls do these people have.
We should be raining down bombs right now on every suspected terror hotbed.


The Rev said...

This really makes all the effort we expended in Iraq to take out Saddam look really good right about now, eh?

We should have stayed after Al Qaida 100%. Instead of getting weaker, they are operating as strong as ever. And I blame Mr Bush for that.

Los said...

I understand the whole ACLU stance, but at this point, I would be pulling every Muslim out of the line at airports and train stations, and checking their baggage ... no offense, but I don't want to be blown to smithereens.

El Padrino said...

I agree. Been saying that shit from day one. I dont care about hrtin people's feelings, I care about the safety of Americans.

And Steve, not for nothing but Sadaam needed to go down. And we have found terrorist activities there as well so it wasnt the worst thing that happend. It's just been draggin along because of the insurgents (muslim extremists) who want a non-democracy state.

The Rev said...

I shed no tears for Saddam, believe me. I am glad he is out of power.

But after he went down, Al Qaida got stronger in Iraq. What were more limited terrorist activities in Iraq became much more widespread.

I'm certainly not saying he was the one responsible for suppressing them by any means. But I do know that after doing all we did in Iraq, Al Qaida found a way to build their resources up.

And I believe a big reason is that we were not paying as much attention to them as we were to getting Saddam. If we had kept our focus on fighting them directly, maybe they don't get the opportunity to build their resources the way they have.

The bottom line is this... it is a damn shame that Al Qaida is strong enough to even get close to another attack 5 years after 9-11.

El Padrino said...

duly noted Crassius

Mama en Fuego said...

The scary thing is, as my co-worker and I were discussing: I wouldn't put it past these assholes to make a bomb out of baby formula and bring their own baby on the plant just to blow shit up.

Saddam is a total POS but we definately should have kept our "eyes on the prize." We gotta finish what we started but man, Bin Laden is making us look like assholes.