Monday, November 13, 2006

Just Another Manic Monday

Today sucks.

It's windy and cloudy, looks like it's gonna rain any minute.

My boss called out, so I gotta do all his work plus the work I'm already doing from the Jew (who's out on disability for pissing orange)

My shirt is too tight, I look like a little boy (which is rare cuz I'm normally a good dresser).

The gollum is explaining to me the difference between a polish donut and an American donut.

My computer at work is mysteriously missing files I need to move on with my day.

The Giants lost last night, a game that they should have won.

I need 25 points from Jake Delhomme (QB for Carolina) to win my fantasy match-up this week and if I don't get I'll drop to 2nd place.

Some fat guy stepped on my toe this morning on the train. I think it's broken.

Today just sucks.


iamunstoppable said...

sleep bc the boss aint there. sacrifice gollum. you have a fighting chance with Jake, but a very small one. you shouldve beaten the fat dood, if only to show him how NYC rolls.

dont neva' touch another man's wingtips!

Fairmaiden327 said...

I suggest picking up nearest donut to Gollum and smearing it across his face. To combat shoe fiasco, step on someone's else foot today. Preferably one with a smug expression. I'm gonna do the sun dance so you can feel better. Oh and I forgot. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA on the small shirt.


Spaceman Spiff said...

this gollum character in unbelievable, does he ever stop, does he ever get sick or tired. seems he likes to annoy with endless vigor

El Padrino said...

spiff -- like that little bitch from the Ring, "it never stops"
all fucking day
you have no idea

iam- big boss is here, my supe called out

fm- sun dance, ha

iamunstoppable said...

oh, and nice small shirt buddy. hah

Martin VanNostrand said...

El P - that sucks if the shirt shrank in the dryer or at the cleaners. If you're like me you know it fit last time and don't realize it until you are half way to work and notice end of the sleeve is not even close to your watch. Then it's too late.

Just try to flex alot today. Maybe Gollum will get scared of the pythons when he notices the sleeves can hardly contain them and leave you alone. Or he will tell you the difference between American biceps and Polish biceps.

El Padrino said...

martin - it must have shrunk by the bastard cleaners, second time i've worn it...dammit

ToddPacker said...

sss (small shirt syndrom) that's a tough one to deal with, man...what sucks is when you put it on in the morning and think it will be OK, only to be totally piss off and regret not throwing on a diff. shirt in the AM...maybe you can start flexing and one of your buttons will pop off and take out a gollum eye.

El Padrino said...

this shirt is going in the trash as soon as i get home and the mexican dry cleaner or russian or whoever fucked up my shrt will pay for this (and i dont mean $$) i mean a shitbag on the window or a rock thru the sign


Anonymous said...

That fat guy wasn't Ralph Freidgen was it?

El Padrino said...

no, crass it was eric mangini

Los said...

As an Iggles fan, I was happy to see the Gints lose ... but I'm holding on to the thinnest of hopes, as the Birds' schedule gets increasingly tough after this week.