Friday, June 08, 2007

dont cry, dry your eye

Saw Children on Men last night....
pretty solid.

Overall I liked the idea, the concept. Infertility. No babies, no new humans, the human race could be extinct. It made for alot of goings on if you know what I'm sayin. I liked the camera work towards the end too. The blood droplets on the lens was campbell soup good.

What made it better was the Clive Owen who since Sin City has really turned in some serious stuff. I think right now only Matt Damon is better. And he's gotta bunch of shit in the works so that's good. And Bale, Bale's quality lately as well.

If anyone is a fan of Rob and Big on MTV I've commemorated the show with a tshirt. The show is hilarity.



Superstar said...

~rolls eyes~ I swear those Owen boys have thier hands in all kinds of stuff!

Matt Damon is WAY hotter. I vote for him over Clive...Matt is a better writer too...IMHO

I recently heard a term D.I.N.K.S. Duel income no kids....LOL ;o) I am sure that is in an effort to keep up w/ the YUPPIES?!?!?!? LOL ;o)

Crassius Maximus said...

I remember when CBale was a fat kid actor!!!

Sincerely, JO'Connell

El Padrino said...

way hotter huh, yeah i didnt notice suuper....

Los said...

This has nothing to do with your post ... but, I watched something on STARZ today that had to do with the death of the electric car ... just another reason to hate U.S. automakers (not the people who work for them, but the actual companies, who are slimier than sewer eels).

Mama en Fuego said...

Owen boys?? as in plural? I didn't know there was more than one.

Clive Owen doesn't do it for me. Christian Bale on the other hand...YUMMY!!!!!

I need to see Children of Men though, it looked good.

El Padrino said...

see it

Tyler said...

Was the title of this post a line from the movie (it's been awhile since I've seen it) or from a Handsome Boy Modeling School song? I hope it's from the movie, otherwise Mills will come on here and leave a comment about posting rap lyrics even though this is your personal blog.

I thought Children of Men was excellent, but some of my friends hated it. I liked it because it wasn't the typical Hollywood movie where everything is spelled out for the audience.