Friday, June 19, 2009

Things that twist my sack, #47

From the file of "Things that twist my sack" comes this little tidbit :

Hot, crispy McDonald's hash brown. So delicious, so delectable. Perfect morning food. Here's my beef. The little white wrappers that hug the shit out of the morning treat I love so much. And here's why. They are not gentle. You ever order a couple of hash browns and a sweet tea, drive away stop, grab a succulent fried potato dream and attempt to remove it from the dastardly white wrapper? Only for the dastardly white wrapper rip the exterior shell from the fried potato dream? Then flip out like a monkey in a cage with a plastic banana and curse McDonald's to the highest fast food god? I have. WAY to many times. Memo to Mickey D's, use something that nestles and nurtures the fried potato dream. Not something that treats it like a cheating wife. I can't stand when my hash brown goodness gets compromised because executives choose a poor encasement wrapper.

That really twists my sack.


Spaceman Spiff said...

never, ever happened to me. your mcdonald's sucks

Keef said...


Meiz said...


Meiz said...

Mc Donaldrino's ain't giving you fresh hash browns. You sir, are missing out.

El Padrino said...
