Monday, July 24, 2006

TJOKES.COM Shirt of the Week


iamunstoppable said...


El Padrino said...

Literally, has got your back. AMEN

Fairmaiden327 said...

i must have that. in a girlie style though. what's up with that?

Los said...

El Padrino - I will be purchasing shirts at some point for people's birthdays - these are awesome!

iamunstoppable said...

can we get the blogger discount or what?!

praise the almighty!

El Padrino said...

FM- i wear this shirt all the time and it is not girlie!!...that's north carolina blue baby..cmon...
anyway if you want a dif color it can be done instantly--just email the address on the site.

Los- thank you, any and all patronage is encouraged.

IAM- maybe--depends

Fairmaiden327 said...

I didn't mean it was girlie you tard, I meant I want one that looks girlie!!!!!

And I'm with IAM, not buying til we get a discount. I'm a pauper.

Fairmaiden327 said...

Remember, Jesus doesn't like ugly.

iamunstoppable said...

i put out for a t-shirt discount.

and then i want a shirt that says that.

Fairmaiden327 said...

ooh me too, me too. but unlike IAM, i will.

El Padrino said...

that's funny

I put out for this tshirt.

i like it.

The Rev said...

If we come up with shirt ideas, do we get royalties?

Fairmaiden327 said...

AMEN, Rev.

Mama en Fuego said...

Sweet. Reminds me of a favorite I wore to shreds "Jesus is coming" ...back "Everyone look busy"

Steph said...

I know a few God botherers that would love that.

concha said...

photoshop one on pat robertson and you're in business.

El Padrino said...

rev: sure, if you can find me--but seriously all of these are original so i dont steal ideas, im too creative for that -if you want a custom i make it, you order it, then i delete it from inventory so it's impossible for me to steal it.

dirty bird: that's a good one too.

Steph- spread the word girl!!

concha- now what did Pat do to you? lol....

iamunstoppable said...

well we're both bidness men, so heres a perfect fix for both sides.

you know that "i put out for this free t-shirt" could make you some money.. its potentially funny enough to sell. so. you have my endorsement to pimp the idea as long as i can get one. :)

im easy.. trade shirt for the idea.. money for you, clothing for me. oh, and free advertising for you too.

win win baby!

El Padrino said...

but i have to have on the back behind the neck in small letters....

now all you have to do is email me the color scehme you want and shipping address.

ball's in your court spike. or
use the email on the website which is:

Fairmaiden327 said...

EP I'm hating and have to top IAM and yes I'm OTR and homicidal.

El Padrino said...

top him how, you gonna really put out for the shirt?

badum dum!

Fairmaiden327 said...

I'll think of something while I am temporarily insane. Read my post. I hate men right now.

iamunstoppable said...

awesome.. the bread's in the oven and now i'll think on those colors. and its fine with the on the back.. gotta represent, ya know!

i love it when a plan comes together.

El Padrino said...


Gordon Gekko